Nature Neighborhood Workshops
Self-paced virtual professional development workshop series
Earn credit through free, online workshops that help you explore nature in your own backyard. Each workshop contains videos, activities, and materials that you can step through at your own pace. Get ideas and resources to encourage your students to explore their nature neighborhoods!
Educator Treks
Professional development workshops in the field, at the Museum and online
Explore remarkable natural places across North Carolina or dive deep into fascinating science topics. Return to your classroom with a sense of renewal and with practical ways to integrate the natural sciences into your teaching.
School Grounds Workshops
Professional development for your faculty on your school grounds
Learn how to enhance the outdoor learning resources on your school grounds and how to incorporate them into all areas of your curriculum through one or more workshops held at your site.
Educators of Excellence Institutes
The Museum's flagship professional development experience for educators
Apply to travel with the Museum on the adventure of a lifetime to outstanding natural areas around the world, including locations such as Yellowstone, Ecuador, and Belize. Make connections with other excellent North Carolina educators as you gain first-hand experiences, science content, and activity ideas to take back to your classroom.
SciREN and Educator Open House
Annual informational open house and networking event
Come to our annual open house to learn about programs and resources available to educators and students from the Museum and partner institutions. Meet scientists through the Scientific Research and Education Network (SciREN) and take lesson plans based on current research back to your classroom.
Advanced Environmental Education
Advanced workshops on natural science topics for environmental educators
The Advanced Environmental Education (EE) series of workshops is designed for environmental educators who want to deepen their knowledge of the natural world through interactions with veteran naturalists and natural science experts. This series strives to build a network of like-minded educators and cultivate the next generation of experienced North Carolina naturalists.
Project Based Learning Fellowship
Issues-based case study units for North Carolina teachers
NOTE: The PBL Fellows site is temporarily offline.
Explore project based learning (PBL) units that dive into locally relevant issues and topics. Projects were published by North Carolina teachers after a yearlong fellowship with Museum educators and experienced PBL practitioners. For more information about this program, please contact Megan Davis, Coordinator of Teacher Education, megan.davis@mypersonalfriends.net or 919.707.9905.
Educator Email List
Monthly update from the Museum for educators
Join the Museum’s Educator Email List to receive notices about upcoming workshops, special exhibits previews and other offerings for educators. Already on the list? Use the link to update your information. For additional assistance, please contact Melissa Dowland, 919.707.9898.
Shad in the Classroom
Training and support for a real-life in-school fish restoration project
Let your classroom join efforts restoring American shad, an important and once-abundant species, to the Roanoke and Neuse Rivers. Apply to participate in this exciting hands-on program and receive materials, training, and financial support to bring science to life.
Virtual Programs for Students
Bring Museum educators into your remote or in-person classroom
Connect with a Museum educator online for curriculum-correlated, interactive programs featuring specimens, activities, and live animals. Using videoconferencing platforms, students across the globe can participate to learn about our natural world. These programs are designed for groups of 8 or more students, ranging from Pre-K to 12th grade.
Programs and information for homeschools
We offer programs specifically targeted to homeschools that reinforce curriculum goals and cover topics in ecology, paleontology, geology, and biology.
Friends of the Museum: Teacher Benefits
Teachers who join Friends of the Museum receive all the regular membership benefits, plus special benefits reserved just for them: 15% discount on most Educator Treks and 15% discount on Museum Store purchases (5% above regular membership).
Join today or give the gift of membership.